Titolo del corso: Summer/Winter Schoolfashion and Textile Department Fashion Design
Ente erogatore: Istituto Superiore di Design
Comparto: Moda
Canale formativo: Formazione Professionale Regionale accreditata
Regione: Campania
Provincia: Napoli
Comune: Napoli
Modalità di finanziamento: N.D.
Sito web del corso: http://www.isdnapoli.it/corsi/summer-winter-school/fashion-design/
The course introduce to the full range of working processes used by designers to create a fashion collection. The student through teoretical and practical lessons will study all aspects of a fashion collection: starting from illustration techniques, analysis of the new trends, choice of textiles and colours, as well as relevant economic and commercial considerations, presentation skills.Aims
Develop a personal style of illustration;
Design a collection based on individual theme;
Presentation skills of a fashion collection.
Tematiche e contenuti
Introduction to Collection Design,
Design Techniques and colour theories
Fashion Illustration
Structure of a collection
Fashion trends
Pattern Making
Final presentation of a fashion collection
Metodologia didattica
The course has held on an individual basis, in which each student is trained individually. Both beginner and experienced students in Interior Design can take profit by this course.
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